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Perins Pre-School

Observation and Assessment

Regular observation informs our planning. Staff know when to take a step back for a while to observe the children carefully, so we can plan for their next steps to learn new skills and build on what they already know and can do.

Ongoing assessment plays an important part in helping parents, carers and practitioners to recognise children’s progress, understand their learning needs and plan activities that support children’s moving forward. Staff make a professional ‘best-fit’ judgement about the age and stage children are working within, using the ‘Early Years Outcomes’ document. Based on the observations, our experiences with children and contributions from parents we can decide if children are emerging, developing, or secure in each of the areas of development.

At the end of each term staff will track children’s progress and share this with parents during 1-1 consultations so there are agreed targets and next steps identified for the following term. These meetings provide an ideal opportunity for staff and parents to chat informally about children, their progress and highlight any areas that may need further support.


Our settings are fun–packed, busy environments in which little ones are constantly learning and absorbing information, whether it’s messy play, learning phonics or exploring new words. To capture and record these special moments to share with you, we use an online learning journal called Tapestry.  

Observations, images and videos can be easily uploaded so you have instant access and can see the learning experiences and progress your child is making. Every entry helps to create a complete storyboard of your child’s time at Perins Pre-school.

For more information please visit

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