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Find us at: Sun Lane, Alresford, SO24 9NB

Perins Pre-School

Our Curriculum

Curriculum for Perins Pre-School

Our Curriculum is underpinned by the Statutory Early Years Framework (EYFS). We recognise that each child is unique and will learn and progress at different rates or progression through the seven areas of learning in the EYFS.

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World

We build upon the children’s interests, skills, and needs by tailoring learning and development to each child. Whether indoors or outdoors, we provide equal opportunities to develop confidence, independence and establish self-esteem through play-based learning. This includes a balance of child led and adult initiated learning.

As a dedicated team of professionals, we are passionate about being an inclusive setting for all children. We support our children to achieve their full potential through allowing children to play and explore. We inspire curiosity by providing a homely, nurturing environment to build strong, positive relationships. Staff are positive role models; provide good interactions, implement a key person approach and provide boundaries. We aim for the children to learn through the following area of learning.

  • Learning new vocabulary
  • Communicating in a language rich environment 
  • Understanding questions
  • Using talk to organise play 
  • Start conversations 
  • Turn taking in conversations 
  • Understand and talk about their emotions
  • Making and managing friendships
  • Finding solutions to conflicts
  • Collaborative play
  • Acquiring fine motor skills and gross motor skills
  • Taking care of their bodies
  • Taking care of their own personal needs
  • Exploring different tools
  • Developing manipulation and control
  • Sharing stories
  • Learning about the concept of books
  • Confidently making marks
  • Develop phonological awareness
  • Sing songs
  • Develop a love of books and reading
  • Counting and exploring numbers
  • Exploring size, colour, and weight by comparing objects and expereme3nting
  • Noticing and creating patterns
  • Exploring different occupations
  • Exploring the world around them
  • Showing care and concern for living things
  • Exploring natural materials
  • Learning about life cycles
  • Being creative, imaginative, and expressive
  • Taking on roles
  • Engaging in pretend play
  • Exploring sounds
  • Creating complex and detailed pictures
  • Mixing colours
  • Exploring textures
  • Building worlds for imaginative play.
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